Sunday 9 August 2015


St-Etienne-d'Albgnan. 6km. 2H. no markers. 

We were just exploring a new area this morning so we parked in the Voie vert car park at the old station and turned right to reach the greenway. 

Turn left onto the Voie vert and walk a short distance until you reach a bridge, cross the small bridge and turn right off the bridge to meet a small road. Turn left onto it and continue up towards Mas du Rieu. Pass through Valausse and continue uphill until you reach a track on your right at a small col. 

We kept to the lower track and after the zigzags turned right on the road towards La Mouline. We didn't go into the hamlet there, maybe that was what we should have done as if you reach the main road there doesn't appear to be a way back onto the voie vert until you return to St-Etienne. 

We thought that there were two other better possibilities to try another time the first being the circular 1H.30 route called "Promenade de Callasourdes". which takes the same route as far as Valausse and then turns left and back down the valley on the other side of the stream before returning on the voie vert. 

Or taking the road up to the track at the col but returning on the upper track which descends into Valausse and then return on the Callasourdes routes. Lots of possibilities up there.

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