Tuesday 21 April 2015

An evening stroll up to the Col de Peyris, Mons, Languedoc.

The little red path from old Mons up to the col de Peyris, on steep rocky ground and through pine and chestnut terraces, is not the usually place for an evening stroll but I love it up there on a warm sunny evening, just before night falls upon the earth and covers it in blackness. 

Each rock warmed by a day of bright sunshine touches my hand kindly and leads me on up to visit my mountain of light- The Caroux. It's golden tonight, kissed by the sun last rays, but not as much as other nights when you can almost hear the angels sing.

 Then it's like a golden bowl wrapped in cloth of green. The Avant Monts are clear and sharp, covered by a layer of linen cloth and tucked neatly like a table covering on Gods earth. 

To the west the hills of St Pons are lemony; a sorbet dripping into a child's hands on a warm afternoon. I say goodnight to a beautiful day and await tomorrow’s adventures in a blessed land. The Languedoc. Good night Mons.

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